305-309 High St, Cheltenham, GL50 3HW
Stand No. South East
Stand No. South West
0345 223 4455
Sourcing suppliers for your dream home? The National Custom & Self Build Association (NaCSBA) campaigns to remove the barriers to more people in the UK building their own home. Look out for the NaCSBA stamp and be assured that you’ll be working with a company you can trust!
NaCSBA is the voice of the custom and self build housing sector. Our mission is to make custom and self build a mainstream choice for everyone seeking a home of their own.
The UK is currently an outlier amongst developed nations with regards to the low level of customer-commissioned new homes that are currently built. Growing our sector increases housing diversification. Custom and self build can deliver more and better homes that more people aspire to live in and that communities are happier to see built.