Home Technology

  • Aura

    We make renewable energy better. By understanding the areas renewables outperform conventional systems we can create an energy aura for your home. One that works seamlessly with the way you live, delivers savings and reduces your carbon footprint. At Aura, we specialise in designing, installing, and maintaining a diverse range of technologies that prioritise renewable […]

  • iCubed Home Cinema

    Everyone loves going to the movies, seeing all the action on the big screen, we can bring that to you in your own home. Any room, Living Room, Basement, Garage or Loft conversion can become you own personal home cinema. iCubed will design and create your dream system

  • Rega Ventilation

    RegaVent offer a wide range of high heat recovery efficiency, low energy consumption MVHR systems and can provide the ideal solution for any domestic application. Free design service available. Now in business for more than forty years, Rega Ventilation has a long established reputation for the manufacture of high quality products for both domestic and […]

  • SKM Electrical

    With over 15 years of experience in electrical installations, SKM is proud to offer innovative and user-friendly technology to enhance everyday life through our range of Smart technology, Electrical, and Solar solutions. We’ve dedicated time and effort to source the best energy-saving and smart technology on the market, and we believe we’ve found it in […]